Wrath of Shadows

  • Date: October 19, 2023
  • Categories: Game UI/UX


I have designed a visually appealing game UI that features an ancient texture style. The UI is both informative and immersive, it helps to create a sense of authenticity for the game world and makes it easy for players to find the information they need.

Start Screen

The start screen is a simple, yet effective way to start the game. It features a large, central title screen with the game’s name and logo. Below the title screen is a simple instruction: “Press any key to start.”

The start screen is designed to be both informative and inviting. It clearly tells the player what to do to start the game, and it does so in a way that is both respectful and engaging. The use of the phrase “any key” also gives the player a sense of freedom and control.

Home Screen

The home screen is the main menu of the game. It features four buttons: New Game, Options, Store, and Quit.

  • New Game: Starts a new game.
  • Options: Allows the player to adjust the game’s settings, such as the difficulty level, graphics quality, and audio volume.
  • Store: Allows the player to purchase in-game items, such as new characters, weapons, and levels.
  • Quit: Quits the game.

The home screen is designed to be simple and easy to navigate. The four buttons are clearly labeled and easy to find, and the overall layout is uncluttered and organized. The home screen also has a clean and vintage look that is sure to appeal to players of all ages.

Game Mode


The game mode page is where players can select the game mode they want to play. There are four game modes available: Shadow Warrior, Shadow Missions, Shadow Treasure, and Shadow Pirates. The selected game mode is highlighted and also shows the selected game mode details in the bottom side of the game mode UI.

The game mode page is designed to be simple and easy to navigate. The four game modes are clearly labeled and easy to find, and the overall layout is uncluttered and organized. The game mode page also has a clean and vintage look that is sure to appeal to players of all ages.


The inventory page is where players can view and manage their inventory of weapons and tools. The middle of the UI shows a 3D model of the selected weapon. The left side of the page shows the selected weapon information with its special abilities. The right side of the page shows the other categories of weapons and tools.

The inventory page is designed to be both informative and easy to use. The 3D model of the selected weapon allows players to inspect the weapon from all angles and get a better understanding of its size and shape. The weapon information panel on the left side of the page shows all of the important information about the selected weapon, such as its damage, range, and fire rate. The special abilities panel also shows all of the special abilities that the weapon has. The weapon and tool categories on the right side of the page allow players to quickly and easily switch between different weapons and tools.

Overall, the inventory page is a well-designed and informative page that allows players to easily manage their inventory of weapons and tools.



The quest page is where players can view and manage their current quests. The left side of the page lists all of the quests that the player is currently on, in serial order. When the player selects a quest, the right side of the page shows the quest details, such as the quest objective, the rewards for completing the quest, and any other relevant information.


The options page is where players can adjust the game’s settings. It features a list of all of the game’s settings on the left side of the page. When the player selects a setting, the right side of the page shows the setting’s details, such as what the setting does and what different values it can have.

In Game

The in-game UI is the user interface that players interact with while they are playing the game. It is designed to be both informative and easy to use, so that players can focus on the game itself and not on the UI.

The in-game UI is divided into several different sections:

  1. Top Left: This section shows the player’s current objectives. This helps players to stay on track and know what they need to do next.
  2. Top Middle: This section shows any completed objective or task notifications. This helps players to keep track of their progress and know what they have accomplished.
  3. Top Right: This section shows the player’s claimed coins. This helps players to track their progress and know what resources they have.
  4. Bottom Left: This section shows the player’s health bar and special power bar. This helps players to stay aware of their current status and make informed decisions about how to play the game.
  5. Bottom Middle: This section shows the subtitles. This helps players to understand the game’s story and dialogue.
  6. Bottom Right: This section shows the selected weapon and other weapons and tools. This allows players to quickly and easily switch between different weapons and tools.
  7. Middle Right: This section shows small notifications. This helps players to stay informed of important events in the game.

Overall, the in-game UI is well-designed and informative. It is divided into several different sections, each of which has a specific purpose. The UI is also designed to be easy to use, so that players can focus on the game itself and not on the UI.

In Game Pause

The in-game pause UI is a simple and straightforward interface that allows players to pause the game and access various options. It features four buttons:
  1. Resume: Resumes the game.
  2. Save Game: Saves the game’s current state.
  3. Options: Allows the player to adjust the game’s settings, such as the difficulty level, graphics quality, and audio volume.
  4. Quit: Quits the game.